
On the basis of the Federal Constitution, the Confederation and the Cantons ensure quality assurance in the Swiss higher education area. To this end, they mandate the Swiss Accreditation Council to decide on the accreditation of Swiss higher education institutions – both for institutional accreditations and for programme­ acc­credi­tations. The procedural rules and quality standards are laid down in the Higher Education Act (HEdA) and are aligned with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). The accreditation procedures are carried out by the Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance (AAQ) and by other recognized agencies. If the Accreditation Council takes a positive accredi­tation decision, it certifies that a higher education institution or a study programme meets the minimum requirements defined in the HEdA.

For students

Within the framework of the accreditation procedures, an external assessment is carried out by a qualified group of experts which consists of at least five members and which is put together by the agency commissioned with the procedure. This group of experts must always include a student. As a full member of the group of experts, he or she participates in the verification of the higher education institutions’ fulfilment of the quality standards. Through this participation in the accreditation procedures, students can exert a direct influence on the quality of their teaching.

The Swiss Student Union (VSS, UNES, USU) offers a one-day qualification seminar to optimally prepare the student representatives of the group of experts for their collaboration.

For higher education institutions

With the instruments of quality assurance and accreditation, the Higher Education Act (HEdA) requires that the higher education institutions have their own quality­ assurance systems and implement them effectively according to national and international criteria. Thus, accreditation not only provides the higher education institutions an orientation and decision-making aid as well as the development of a clear profile, but also contributes to greater national and international visibility and recognition. Accordingly, accreditation ensures the recognition of diplomas and titles and thereby also facilitates mobility within the European Higher Education Area.

Institutional accreditation

Institutional accreditation is a prerequisite for the right to use reserved designations: If a higher education institution wants to call itself a “university”, “university of applied sciences” or “university of teacher education”, it must obtain institutional accreditation. Institutional accreditation is also a prerequisite for applying for federal subsidies.

All cantonal and federal higher education institutions or other institutions in the higher education sector recognised under the previous law are subject to the accreditation obligation. Private institutions must be accredited if they wish to make use of the right to use reserved designations or if they require an accreditation by a state body for international recognition.

Programme accreditation

Programme accreditation can only be applied for if institutional accreditation already exists. Accreditation of study programmes is not compulsory, with the exception of the regulated medical professions (including postgraduate training), as well as the health and psychology professions.


In accordance with HEdA, an appeal against any decision of the Swiss Accreditation Council may be lodged with the Federal Administrative Court, Postfach, 9023 St. Gallen, within 30 days of notification.

Reconsideration request

The administrative procedure allows for a reconsideration request to be made at any time. This also applies to all decisions of the Swiss Accreditation Council. In this case, the reconsideration request must be submitted to the Swiss Accreditation Council, Effingerstrasse 15, Postfach, 3001 Bern.

Recognised agencies


AAQ Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance
ACQUIN Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute
AHPGS Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences
AQ Austria Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria
evalag Evaluationsagentur Baden-Württemberg
FIBAA Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation