Prof. Dr. Daniela Freisler-Mühlemann

Daniela Freisler-Mühlemann studied education, special education and criminology at the University of Zurich and graduated in 1996 with a licentiate in educational psychology. After her licentiate, she worked in the social sector in Zurich and became a mother of three children. In 2011, she completed her doctorate in general education at the University of Zurich. From 2008 to 2023, she held various positions at the University of Teacher Education Bern, where she was appointed professor in 2016. Since August 2023, she heads the Institute for Special Learning Needs at the Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik (HfH) and is member of the higher education institution’s executive board. 

In recent years, Daniela Freisler-Mühlemann has completed various Certificates of Advanced Studies in the areas of higher education didactics, leadership and governance, and professional field reference. Since 2020, she has also been president of the Swiss Association for Teacher Education and a member of the swissfaculty board.